A Caravan Named Desire

Married couple, Helen and Alexander, have a new play. It’s set in a caravan. And it’s all true.

Alexander has been writing again but Helen doesn’t seem to be aware of just how much of Alexander’s story is based on real events. After conducting research into the life of a British sex-worker, Alexander has created a performance which he feel is authentic, but from whose perspective?

Discreet, professional, clean and tested. For a good time, come to the caravan. Your desire for hire.

A Caravan Named Desire is a 60min performance exploring the limits of collaboration and the ego of an artist. A Caravan Named Desire is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

Nominated for an OFFIE Award for its performance at the Camden Fringe 2023. A Caravan Named Desire has also been nominated for the following Broadway World UK awards:

Best Leading Performer in a New Production of a Play – Helen Millington

Best Leading Performer in a New Production of a Play – Alexander Millington

Best New Production of a Play – A Caravan Named Desire

Best Sound Design of a New Production of a Play or Musical – Alexander Millington

“Anything by Alexander and Helen Millington is worth coming for.”

Fringe Review

“… imaginative and inventive two-handed play”

Buxton Fringe Review

“…when a play comes along that is original, different, and stands out from the crowd, it is a real joy; and this piece of original writing from Split Infinitive Theatre is just that.”

Number 9 Reviews

“…an exhilarating portrait of the artist as a blackhole”

“..uneasily brilliant”

Daily Info

2024 Dates

12th April

The Arena, Wolverhampton

30th July – 1st August

Shakespeare North Playhouse, Prescot

7th September

Terry O’Toole Theatre, Lincoln

2023 Dates

30th May – 3rd June, Brighton Fringe

The Rotunda Theatre: Squeak

16th June, OffBeat Festival, Oxford

Burton Taylor Studio

21st – 23rd July, Buxton Fringe

The Rotunda Theatre: Squeak

29th July, Bedford Fringe

The Quarry Theatre

8th -12th August, Camden Fringe

Camden People’s Theatre

4th November

Pickworth Village Hall